Friday, October 10, 2008

Manifesto de Cache Cabinet

Everybody reposts. Whether it is that day's or week's most popular articles or going-ons or classic memes. There is no shame in it--this practice insures that such cool things such as Jay Walker's awesome library,  Banksy's new exhibition "Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill", and Instructable's guide to how make your hidden usb storage in a phone jack

It is not usual to see the same basic article posted on many many different sites at once. However, there is almost never any more material or information added to these posts. Generally one winds up learning the absolutely same things that every other blog has already said.

Cache Cabinet is more a or less an extension of shared RSS items. My decision to post these on a separate blog was directly spurred by the complaint described above, e.g., I am sick of seeing multiple reposts with absolutely no new information. Cache Cabinet is about posting  common or popular articles, but with extra added. Editing and research are not things that should be allowed to be forgotten.

Thank you for reading.